Easy TipJar PRO - The Perfect Tip Jar for DJ´s and Hosts
Fully Customizable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And more then just a TipJar !!!!
- Customizable hover text up to 3 lines
- Customizable hover text color
- FULLY Customizable "thank you" message (includes tippers name and tipped amount: ThanksMessage = [name] tipped L$ [tip] Thank you very much for the tip!)
- Say or Shout "thank you" messages
- Tel owner when tipped (optional)
- Split pay (up to 5 people)
- Announcer.. Say or Shout up to 10 different messages every X seconds (optional)
- Send IM, Group Invite or Direct Group Invite when someone clicks the tipjar
- Rotation.. speed and AX (optional)
- Customizable pay buttons and pay field (the buttons that show when you pay the tipjar)
- JVA bot support for direct group invites
- Give a item or give a random item when tipped (optional)
- Set a minimum tip amount to give a item or random item (optional)
- Missing a feature that you need in a tipjar ???? Contact me in-game and ill probably add it to the tipjar.
Easy configured with self explaining notecard
You can also copy the TipJar script and put it in any other object. So if you have a cow and want it to be a Tip Jar simply open the Easy TipJar PRO, copy the contents to your inventory and put it in your cow.
Modify and copy
Join the H&B Creations Group for information on updates and new product releases.
Click here to get this item on Second Life Marketplace
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